Walter: Name Meaning in English, Origin & Details

Walter is a unique and charming name for a baby Boy that has been gaining popularity in the Hindu community. The name Walter has a beautiful meaning - "Powerful Ruler".

Walter Name Meaning

Name Walter 0
Gender Boy
Meaning Powerful Ruler
Language Hindi
Lucky Stone Ivory
Lucky Metal Plutonium
Religion Hindu Hindu
Lucky Zodiac Sagittarius Sagittarius
Lucky # 7
Lucky Color Royalblue
Lucky Day Sunday
Short Name Yes
Name Length 6 Letters and 1 Word
The numerological value of the name Walter is 7, the total value is 25 and Popularity in Hindu Religion: 2244

Top Boy Names in Hindu

Walter Name Popularity

Names Starting with W

Where Walter is Popular?

According to Hindu beliefs, choosing a lucky name for a baby is an important decision. Walter is associated with many lucky attributes, including the lucky stone of Ivory, lucky metals of Plutonium, and the lucky colors of Royalblue.

Walter is also associated with the lucky zodiac sign of Sagittarius, and the lucky days of Sunday. This name has a significant impact on the bearer's life, and its popularity is increasing day by day. In fact, Walter is currently ranked 2244 in popularity in the Hindu religion.

Choosing the right name for a baby is a special and meaningful experience, and Walter is a name that carries many positive and fortunate associations.

About Walter Name

Q. What does Walter name mean?

Walter name meaning is Powerful Ruler.

Q. What is the religion of the name Walter?

The religion of the name Walter is Hindu.

Q. What is the origin of Walter name?

The origin of the name Walter is Hindi.

Q. What is the length of Walter name?

The Name Walter contains 6 Letters and 1 Word.

* Disclaimer: Please note that the Lucky number and Rank displayed on this website are computer-generated using an alphabet-based formula and are intended solely for your entertainment and information. cannot be held liable for any inaccuracies or omissions in the Lucky numbers, Colors, Day, Zodiac and Ranks.
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