World Currencies

Flag US Dollar 276.75 | 279.50 Flag British Pound 342.20 | 345.50 Flag Saudi Riyal 73.30 | 74.00 Flag Emirates Dirham 75.00 | 75.75 Flag Turkish Lira 8.50 | 9.80 Flag EURO 294.10 | 297.00 Flag Japanese Yen 1.75 | 1.78 Flag Australian Dollar 177.25 | 181.00 Flag Canadian Dollar 199.25 | 203.00 Flag Thailand Baht 8.00 | 9.00 Flag Chinese Yuan 38.00 | 41.00 TT/DD 280.00 | Inter Bank 278.40 |
Flag US Dollar 276.75 | 279.50 Flag British Pound 342.20 | 345.50 Flag Saudi Riyal 73.30 | 74.00 Flag Emirates Dirham 75.00 | 75.75 Flag Turkish Lira 8.50 | 9.80 Flag EURO 294.10 | 297.00 Flag Japanese Yen 1.75 | 1.78 Flag Australian Dollar 177.25 | 181.00 Flag Canadian Dollar 199.25 | 203.00 Flag Thailand Baht 8.00 | 9.00 Flag Chinese Yuan 38.00 | 41.00 TT/DD 280.00 | Inter Bank 278.40 |

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